Friday, 3 July 2015

Animal Jam Newspaper Blog!

Hey Jammers, Mimi here! I just wanted to tell you all about my new blog - Animal Jam Newspaper Blog! As I already said, AJPU really got messed up (deleted comments, sidebar banners don't work, enlarged template), so I needed a fresh start! I would really appreciate if you visit it and support it in any way (commenting, joining the site, sharing buttons...). I'm thankful to all Jammers who were reading AJPU, but I guess AJN is as good!

Remember to visit it! Bye for now, Jammers! :)

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Koi Pond+Unreleased Shark Hat+ Mystical Armor Glitch!

Hey Jammers! Jameslionking Here! Today's Returning item is Koi Pond! It costs 400 Gems and its for members Only, i think AJHQ should make more non member items because not everyone can or wants to pay for AJ Memberships, they also should add more non member dens, You know what would be wonderful? If AJHQ Bring the beta den back for ALL JAMMERS, But im sure if they do bring it back it will be for members and possibly on the diamond shop :c.

I found a strange item i named it Shark Mask, Jammerjamis has it Credit to xxsmile on instagram.
Alot of people saying that the account jammerjamis is from AJHQ to test new features and items, and some others are saying that its a hacker that hacked into AJHQ to get unreleased items, i think that account is from AJHQ because it is member, and most of its animals are wearing nothing. Heres a picture of the lion of jammerjamis wearing Shark Mask:

Hmm, i think this item will be released on the summer carnival. It would be so cool if this item was in shops, people of sarepia forest would role play and pretend they eat other jammers wearing this mask.
I Also found a weird glitch, when you wear mystical armor on your polar bear it looks like that in there:

But outside it looks like a Glitched color of Epic Dragon Wings.
                I found about this glitch on Meloetta385's Blog ( Animal Jam Flash)    
Thats my polar bear wearing them.

*Comment Question* What do you think? is jammerjamis a hacker? Or AJHQ's testing account?

                                                        Fact about lions
Did you know that lions can be found only in the south Sahara desert and in parts of southern and eastern Africa?


Have Great Time Jamming :D!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Welcome to AJ Paw Up's Test Blog!

Hey Jammers! This is AJ Paw Up's Test blog! On this blog, I'll be trying templates, backgrounds, fonts and other stuff, so I don't mess up with main AJ Paw Up. So, don't be surprised if every time you visit this blog, the template is changed! ^-^

Happy Jamming & Play Wild!